blahblahblah's Profile

  • Apr 10, 2007
  • 2
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Latest comments made by: blahblahblah

  • usr - u stupid retard
    blahblahblah had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 2
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive
  • I have to agree with the majority of the posts above. You are an idiot. "Imagine if I was a novice user...yikes!" You clearly are a novice. By the way the u s r in /usr stands for Unix System Resources and does not contain "information" about your system but most of the executables and libraries that the underlying system requires to run.
    blahblahblah had this to say on Apr 10, 2007 Posts: 2
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive